Monday, January 23, 2012

Be a Superhero! Grow your own Victory Garden.

You've probably heard the phrase; "You too, can be a Superhero!"

Well... Its true. You can!

Perhaps not the type you read in comic books, or in the image above, but with the increased price of food and the lack of information regarding labeling of the foods we buy from the grocery store; it makes sense to grow your own food naturally, from Non GMO, Heirloom Seeds.

The Hero aspect comes from the fact that; if you have a lawn, you can convert it to grow food and be able to provide healthy food for yourself, your family and share what you grow with your friends and neighbors.

They will Love you for it, and you will feel healthier too.

It also means you have more Independence, because when you grow your own food, you are taking action to become more self-sufficient.

I understand this wont work for everyone due to one's available time, location, or year round climate. But don't give up before you start. Even if you live in an area that is colder. You can still grow your own food year round, but you will have to build a greenhouse to accommodate the plants and provide your garden with shelter from the cold and snow. 

The video shown here is a bit of a flashback from the 40's and was used by the U.S. Government to promote the planting of Victory Gardens.

Despite the videos age, the information it contains is still relevant and if you're wanting to grow your own Victory Garden, it offers some helpful tips. Some of these tips include when to plant seeds, how to plant the seeds, types of crops to grow and shows you how to fend off pests from eating your plants and spoiling your harvest.

The image below is from the same era as the video above; but, the information is still helpful and rotating your crops every year is the best way to grow healthy food without stripping the soil of its healthy minerals.

Another helpful tip that isn't in the video above, is to build a small compost area in the far corner of your garden. Composting your food scraps and spoiled food will allow you to fertilize your soil and give your gardens fruits and vegetables even more healthy nutrients.

If you're inspired to grow your own garden, Go for it!

Gather the information you need to start your own Victory Garden from the library, or from a good online source. Ask people in your community that garden for their help or advice, order heirloom seeds from a reputable source and give it a try!


1 comment:

  1. I'd love to get the super-hero victory garden poster for my kitchen collection. Do you know where we can purchase it?
